Tips to burn Belly Fat easily in just a single week

The biggest question that is asked on Internet is,'How to loose fat?'. 

That is because excessive fat is a gateway to many deadly disease like diabetes and heart disease.  Fat inside belly area is also termed visceral fat which is very harmful. You will get so many articles that will promise you to burn belly fat in few days and they also sell their products at higher price. But do you know the real truth behind that fat burning supplements? 
They are just a waste of money because they are not using any magic, if you follow few simple tips then you will start noticing some changes into your body. And if you follow this regularly then you will burn you extra fat and become healthy again.

1-Reduce Your Stress Levels

So much stress will give you lot of belly fat. When you are in stress, your adrenal glands produce cortisol, it is also called 'Stress Harmone.' Researches have been found that high cortisol level increase appetite and drive belly fat storage.

To reduce fat from your body, you have to be in very good mood, and you should avoid thinking about what gives you more stress. You shall also try Yoga and meditation, it will also going to help you to reduce stress.

2- Avoid eating Sugary food 

Try to cut or avoid food that made of sugar, because sugar contains fructose which is responsible for many chronic disease. Apart from that Sugar also gives you much belly food, so it is very important to avoid food that has sugar in it.

3- Get a proper sleep 

If you want to stay healthy, you should take at least 7 hours sleep. Study shows that the people who takes 5 hours or less sleep gain too much fat, which includes belly fat. So it is very important to take atleast 7 hours sleep at night, and if you could not sleep, you should contact your doctor and get treatment.

4- Eat good amount of protein food

Protein is also very important, if you want to control your weight. Try to include the food which has high level of protein which includes, chicken meat, eggs, dairy product and nuts. Highly protein is also responsible for reducing appetite and also increase metabolic rate which will help you to retain muscle mass during weight loss.

5- Try to avoid alcohol and smoking

If you set your mind to loose weight, you have to cut down alcohol and smoking if you could not quit. Research shows that the people who takes alcohol regularly gains much fat specially on belly and hips. And smoking, which not only causes lung cancer or heart disease but also help you to store much fat into your middle area. So you should also avoid smoking if you want to stay healthy and loose weight.

6- Make diet chart and exercise

Make a proper diet chart and follow that. Take food that includes rich amount of protein, carbohydrate, fiber and micro nutrients. Exercise regularly specially Aerobic exercises try to run at least 5 km in a single day.

So these were some useful tips which you can include into your life and you will feel a good change into your life and you will feel more healthy. 


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